Poster Prizes
Each poster will be judged on the quality of the technical content and clarity of the presentation. To be eligible for an award, the research must be presented by a graduate or undergraduate student and the material should be a part of his or her thesis project.
Cash prizes will be awarded for 1st ($300), 2nd ($200), and 3rd ($100) place.
Poster awards provided by SPECS. SPECS manufactures cutting-edge systems and components for surface analysis in UHV, based on methods like XPS, UPS, AES, ISS, STM, LEEM/PEEM, LEED, SIMS, SNMS and HREELS. SPECS offers a variety of sources for deposition, excitation and charge neutralization as well as analyzers, monochromators and research microscopes like LEEM and STM. A strong focus of our work is on customized systems combining thin film preparation (e.g., MBE) with spectroscopic and microscopic options.